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Co-ordinator's Message

‘’Education is a joint venture”, Teachers can’t do it alone, so as Parents.

We are running Sixth glorious Session of ‘Sacred Hearts Kiducation - 2’. We believe that the learning process is different for each individual. Our Committed Management and Dedicated Staff are giving their level best to our students.

Learning is a Treasure that follows its owner everywhere. We develop a passion for learning. Therefore we motivate our students to try new things because ‘Amateurs built the Ark but professionals built the Titanic’. So, never be afraid to try new things.

Through ‘Special Assemblies’ we also develop ‘Thinking Skills’ of the Students by putting up the ‘Real Life Situations’ to inculcate the responsibilities towards family and society as well.

Students learn more quickly only when they are interested. To make classroom more interesting and interactive we use multiple Teaching Aids like: - Audio–Visual Smart Boards, Flash Cards, and Educational Toys etc.

We teach students to participate not to triumph but to learn how to struggle to achieve their goal in their life.

I feel gratitude towards the Management and the Parents for entrusted us year after year in taking constructive and purposeful actions to produce optimistic independent, compassionate, lifelong learners and leaders who will bring glory to the school, State and the Nation.

Reena Verma
Co–ordinator K–2